The European programme that promotes entrepreneurial exchanges

Intermediary Organisation

What is it?

The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme is aimed at young aspiring entrepreneurs who can plan their exchange, gaining the skills needed to start and/or improve a SMEs in Europe. New entrepreneurs learn and exchange knowledge with successful entrepreneurs who hosted aspiring ones from 1 to 6 months. The programme is funded by the European Commission

Who can participate?

The programme encourage the participation of:

  • New entrepreneurs: entrepreneurs who are going to create their own business or have created it since three years.
  • Successful entrepreneurs: owners or managers of a SME in EU with more than 3 years of experience.

How to participate

1. Application: step-by-step guide on official website
2. Build a relationship with a successful entrepreneur: selection of the host
3. Agreement and preparation: agreement about the work and learning project
4. Start of the stay abroad: the duration may be from 1 to 6 months

Project Ahead's role

Project Ahead is the local contact point for the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme and provides the following services:

  • Professional support before, during and after the exchange;
  • Active research aimed at facilitating the meeting between new entrepreneurs (NE) and host entrepreneurs (HE);
  • Assess the quality of the applications;
  • Proactive correspondence with partners involved;
  • Exchange organization;
  • Support to online application.


Download Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme’s brochure

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Ukraine - YoUEMBRACE

Special call for Ukraine

Project Ahead has been chosen as intermediary organisation of Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Ukraine SMP COSME 2023, a special call promoted by the European Union dedicated to Ukranian aspiring entrepreneurs.

If you are a young Ukranian entrepreneur interested in a new entrepreneurial exchange opportunity, contac us.