Supporting the start-up of companies linked to professions assisting artistic and creative activities
The ART WORKER. Giovani, Creatività e Lavoro project is funded by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Youth Policies and the Universal Civil Service. It aims to economically support youthful artistic creativity and encourage the entry of artistic talents into financial circuits to enhance their productions.
The goal is to support young artistic talents through self-entrepreneurship training, the strengthening of the promotion of their productions and the creation of interregional networks, both among the young artists themselves and among the stakeholders.
Our role will be to train young people selected from the project to self-entrepreneurship, providing transversal managerial and managerial skills to be applied in the various creative sectors.
On going:
Council Presidency – Department Of Youth and Universal Civil Service
- Arteteca Cultural Association
- OPCG – Department of Political Science and Communication – University of Salerno
- Campania Region, Department of Education, Youth Policies, Social Policies
- Province of Reggio Calabria – Department of Culture and defense of Legality
- City of Reggio Calabria – Department of Youth Policies
- Alfa Gi Produzioni Editoriali Integrate Srl
- Sagapò Volunteer Association
- Inventare Insieme ONLUS Association
- Ance AIES Salerno
- Collettivo Boca