Training and transfer of know-how for the entrepreneurial management of assets confiscated from the mafias in Albania
The C.A.U.S.E. (Confiscated Assets Used for Social Experimentation) is funded by the EU Delegation to Albania – IPA ALBANIA Program in order to contribute to the effective and sustainable reuse of assets confiscated from crime by Albanian civil society organizations.
The initiative consists of giving a new input to the management and activities of the confiscated assets, strengthening the involvement of civil society, creating new social enterprises and making use of international best practices.
The role of Project Ahead is to provide and strengthen the know-how in the management and requalification of confiscated assets through the development of social business by a new generation of professionals and entrepreneurs.
European Union – EU Delegation in Albania
- Partners Albania for Change and Development
- Department of Political Science, University of Naples Federico II
- Comitato Don Peppe Diana