Sagapò APS
What is it
Sagapò is a Third Sector entity, an Association for Social Promotion, that promotes individual and collective awareness on intercultural dialogue as a tool for the progress and improvement of the quality of life.
Sagapò promotes friendship and inclusion values. It is active in training sector, job placement orientation and in business creation for italian citizens and migrants, as tool to tackle challenges that make difficoult integration and coexistence between people.

Interazioni Marine

Interazioni Marine is a project funded by European Union- NextGeneration (PNRR funds against educative povertry, managed by Agenzia di Coesione territoriale) that provides empowerment training course about the seaa for teenagers and social workers
Real Connection
Real Connection project is funded by Regione Campania through national resources from Ministry of Labour and Social Politics and it aims to fight Bullying and Cyberbullying phenomena with educational, informative and participatoru actions for the local community in Portici, Naples and Scampia neighbourhood.
The project is developed on the vesuvian area and aims to strenghten and integrate long-lasting action against the exploitation and black market labour that involve foreign workers. It falls under the scope of P.I.U.Su.Pr.Eme (Percorsi Individualizzati di Uscita dallo Sfruttamento), co-funded by the Labour and Social Policies Ministry, Immigration General Direction and Inclusion Politics of the EU, PON Inclusione Fondo Sociale 2014-2020

Sagapò was born in 1996 in Portici (NA) from a group of friends united by the aspiration to design and organize events to discuss issues about inclusion, racism and immigration.
From 2006 it is active in project design for social and youth politics about social and work inclusion, international exchanges, informal education and active citizenship.
From 2017-2019 it has been lead of two projects funded by Italian Government Presidency of the Council of Ministers- Department of Youth.
- Dialogue Place social and multicultural enterprises incubator and coworking
- Fork: People to Change to activate and manage a common good through craft entrepreneurship and intercultural dialogue.