Real Connection – Real Connection against bullying
Real Connection project aims to contribute and fight against the Bullying and Cyberbullying phenomena through an innovative approach that provides the design and the implementation of educational, informative and partecipatory actions, that address Portici and Naples (Scampia neighbourhood) local community.
Specific project actions:
- Bullying and cyberbullying phenomena mapping in order to understand the specific territorial espression, in terms of geographical spread, record and target.
- Design of a digital platform with content and in depht-analysis
- Launch of a psychological support Help line online and offline
- Launch of an awareness campaign together to a contest for young videomaker
- Organisation of a Workshop for teenagers about the informed and creative use of social media.
These instruments will help to promote new volountaireeng and socialisation experiences for teenager bullying and cyberbullying victims in order to strenghten the interconnection capacity in a healthy and real way with a belonging context and at the same time contribute to develope good practice of social, cultural and environmental commitment
The project involves Project Ahead’s participation, as an external associate partner for the implementation of educational courses oriented to relational microsystems that create the environment in cui cyberbullies and their victim live. Project Ahead it’s going to take care of the organisation of:
– a design class for no profit for stakeholders and workers involved in the project action, in which they will deepen the topics of the fundings research, writing and management of the projects and network cooperation creation.
– a Focus Group for parents and teachers dedicated on the conflict solution, non-violent communication and the educative relationship, starting from the results of the previous actions.
The work will end with the production of a Vademecum with the innovative strategies results applied in the project and good practices activated for the social change.
The project is funded by Regione Campania with Labour and Social Policies Ministries government funding, ID N.94 Real Connection.

Il progetto è finanziato dalla Regione Campania con risorse statali del Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali – ID n.94 – Real Connenction.